Care in Movement – AAL Research Project

Film productions, Interfaces

Fittness for the elderly

The CareInMovement (Carimo) app was developed as part of a European research project. The system offers different functions to support the care process and to motivate volunteers. For people in need of care, the system offers individualised physical activity programmes to maintain or, in the best case, even improve their state of health so that they can remain independent and autonomous for as long as possible.

Tested in the field

Three short films document the extensive field tests in Austria. The focus of the EU research project «Care in Movement» was on improving the physical constitution of older people. Exercise units with high scores and many additional offers such as news, games and calendar functions should motivate people to use the app.

It's addictive and fun too!

Waltraud Pfeiffenberger, customer

Project partner film production: Till Gmür